Everyday is filled with smiles, laughter, adventures, and opportunities. You just have to seek them out.
Brute Strength

Brute Strength

Yesterday at work we did an annual kit check, everyone had to take all their kit and check the serial number on every single item (yes that took forever) when it was finally finished and everything was put away we settled down at our desks to check emails and get the last things done before the days end.

It was then that our boss comes in and says that she has locked her keys in the locker, this included her lock key, her house keys and car keys. Not something you want to hear, and the stress over this was blatant. Everyone gathered around the lock to see what could be done. Random keys were tried, pulling on the lock hard was tried, tools were used in attempts to pick the lock, suggestions of taking the locker door off and getting in that way, and suggestions to drill through the wall of the locker beside.  All of these were fantastic suggestions and attempts but it ended to no avail.

What was left to do was go on a hunt to other units for a bolt cutters and my co-worker started that journey.  It was then that I decided brute strength was the answer to this conundrum. With my mind made up I set out to see what could be used a clamp wrench was found and I set to work,  clamping the lock and twisting with all my might, after about 5 minutes of forcing it all that was happening was the metal getting torn and bent but the lock would not pop. So I heaved a heavy sigh, repositioned and started at it again. It was only a few minutes after that that the lock popped, it was destroyed, like unusable from here on out, but it was open and she could get her keys out of it.

The locker door was open and we stood around excited to see the reveal of the keys.  As she dug through her bags the hopes of the key reveal was diminishing.  She still could not find them. It was at this point that my co-worker returned with bolt cutters, only to hang her head and turn around out the door to return them.

The frantic continued as her keys were not in fact in the locker, as the search for the keys began we looked everywhere, only to find them on her desk under work. Laughter erupted and joyful conversations were had.

A few lessons were learned

  • Listen to your boss when she needs something done.
  • Find necessary items and ways to complete the task
  • Do not give up when you feel it is not going anywhere
  • Allow praise when the task is accomplished

My boss told me to destroy something, that doesn’t happen every day so I did it with joy. Nothing like needing and using brute strength sometimes.

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