Everyday is filled with smiles, laughter, adventures, and opportunities. You just have to seek them out.


If you know me well then you will know that I am an audiobook fanatic, not like oh yea they are good but like a coffee addict is, where you are lost without one. I I am constantly downloading new audiobooks to listen to, and I am continually thinking the Lord above that the library allows you to download audiobooks and read them for a week or two before returning them at no cost. I have listened to thousands, to me they’re like watching a movie but with my imagination, I can picture what they look like and the adventures that they go on while I can do other things such as chores, cooking, arts and crafts, exercise, being engulfed in the story. Being in engulfed in and audiobook is amazing my whole body feels like I’m being a part of the book almost like I’m part of the story. 

Now don’t go on thinking that this is all fine and dandy. I have been caught up a few times being too engulfed in a book, for instants one time I was on an airplane and I was listening to an audiobook about the holocaust and the end of the book had a beautiful ending, which was unexpected, I was sitting there listening to it and when it came to the end of the book when I said to what was in my head I though but rather it was out loud AWE in response to the story. It was upon looking around that I realized I had said it out loud and loud for a lot of people to be looking at me so I took off my headphones off and I’ll explained the story.

Another time I was sitting on the bus going to work in the morning and the story was extremely heartstring tugging, I’m meaning for real my heart was in full force feelings for the story. I couldn’t help it I’m sitting there on the bus with people getting on, people getting off, people sitting beside I’m just bawling my eyes out.

I can’t even tell you how many audiobooks I have listen to in my life, it took years and years and years but finally I have found my top series, my favourite all-time audiobook is the series called bloody Jack by L.A.Meyers , there’s 12 books in the series and I have read them about three times each. If you’re ever looking for a series where it is adventurous, fun, sailing, and an amazing narrator then I would highly recommend the series.

I could go on and on about audiobooks or books in themselves. Honestly to me absolutely nothing else compares to a book. While sitting down to read, or while putting in my earphones my world switches. It is then that I can travel the world, travel through time, fight monsters, I can experience different cultures, different music and discoveries that I haven’t learned in school, or that I haven’t learned at all. 

There is a time old saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” which is very true, and should never be done however I know for a fact that if I’m at a bookstore or library I will most definitely go for the books that had the most interesting cover, I’ll take the time to remove it from the shelf, study the front, decide what the story inside could be like, and then if I’m still interested I’ll flip it over and read the back all the while making my own opinion my own decision and my own thoughts as to whether this book is good enough or not good enough to spend money on or spend time reading it.

While I was listening to an audiobook I came across across a quote. It stopped me in my tracks and it made me a really sit down and think the quote was “a book is judged by its cover, until it’s read” wow amazing. 

There is of course the superficial meaning that is directed toward actual books. Though what from what I understood and took away from that quote was as humans we judge each other by our covers making an opinion of that person and then treating them accordingly, whether it is nice to their face but inside you’re thinking quite negatively, or it is somebody who you were like oh I should be this person‘s friend because they have more than I do and I can gain. We have course also look at people and say man that person looks awesome I want to be their friend. All of those opinions go through our minds, through our souls, and not even a minute has passed. Sometimes we will engage further into conversation with this person such as a book where you study the front, and if intrigued flip it over to learn the synopsis of their story. 

Now don’t get me wrong and I fully understand, that some people just don’t jive, they give you a weird feeling or they’re too perky or there is just nothing in common with this person. That is just fine, we’re not meant to be friends with everyone.

It isn’t just us judging others but it also goes the other way, there may be somebody that is trying to get to know me, trying to see if maybe we could be friends and I am not letting them open the book but rather staying closed and shut, forcing them to judge me by my cover.

Life is amazing it is absolutely wonderful, they are hard days and there are good days, there are sad days and there are days when you’re laughing until your stomach hurts. Some of these friends you see every day or every week there are friends that you don’t see for years. These friendships didn’t happen overnight, or instant, I challenge you to think back to how you met them, and how you decided that they were going to picked as your friend. Did you know right off the bat? Did you step out of your comfort zone to attempt at making their friendship? Did you open up to them when they were interested in getting to know you?

I don’t know about all of you but I’m going to try that much harder to not judge a person by their “cover” until I have “read“ their story. 


  1. So true,
    Another one of my favourite quotes in by an unknown author: “Don’t judge my story by the chapter you walked in on”. Such a good lesson.


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