Everyday is filled with smiles, laughter, adventures, and opportunities. You just have to seek them out.
Being Played by a three year old.

Being Played by a three year old.

How is it that a three year old can play you?  You might think it is impossible right? That you are smarter then them so how can it happen. You may even think they are so little that they can’t process like that to get what they want. Well I sure thought that way until I was driving in the car with my Sister and her three year old daughter. We are driving and chatting and going to where we needed to go, when out of the blue my Niece pipes up from the back seat in her car seat. “Mommy I went right to my room last night and I went right to bed for you mommy”  My sister smiles and says yes you sure did and that was awesome.  Then my Niece pipes up again. “wasn’t I the best mommy”  Again my sister says “yes it sure was”  and this is where it happened, she did all that foot work to finally say “so now I can get a treat at the store, right mommy because I went to bed so good.”  LIKE HOW, we didn’t even know we were going to the store the previous night, she sat back there in the car knowing that we were heading to the store and thought up a solution to receive a treat!


So then a couple days later we take her to an old homestead and she is able to pick a pumpkin for free and take it home. Not wanting to carry this pumpkin all around the homestead I told her she can pick one on the way out.  When we were heading out, she wanted this HUGE pumpkin, and I told her “no hunny, you can pick any pumpkin you can carry on your own.” So she wanders around and looks for one, after picking it out we head to the parking lot.  The whole time she is leaning back, staggering her steps, using her entire arms and chest to hold onto this pumpkin, all complaining it is too heavy.  Upon lots of encouragement she made it to the car, where she placed it on the seat and climbed into her car seat. As I am buckling her in she says to me, “Teeta (the name she calls me) you are so strong.”  Feeling a little bashful on her compliment I reply “oh thank you my girl, yes I am very strong.” She replies “you are so,so,so,so,so strong right Teeta.”  Thinking that this might go in the direction of her saying one day she will want to be strong too I reply “Yes my girl, I am so so so so strong.”  Then she looks me in the eyes and smiles saying “so you can then carry the pumpkin into the house.”  HAHAHAHAHA


What a little Turkey!



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