Everyday is filled with smiles, laughter, adventures, and opportunities. You just have to seek them out.
Kids Brainwaves

Kids Brainwaves

Sorry I haven’t written in a long time, life has been absolutely insane, I will however begin writing random life stories again 🙂 

So the other day I was FaceTime by my 3 year old niece and she was telling me all kinds of stories, then out of nowhere she got all serious. She looks straight into the camera and states “my cousin can’t say fruit leather” then she stares at me all serious. Trying to not burst out laughing I reply “oh my girl. Your cousin can’t say fruit leather because your cousin is only 7 months old and can’t talk at all yet” after processing what I said, she sighs and then runs off to play. 

Hahaha she wasn’t telling me that her cousin can’t say mom or dad or dog or anything like that, no she was upset that her cousin couldn’t say fruit leather hahaha 😂😂

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