Everyday is filled with smiles, laughter, adventures, and opportunities. You just have to seek them out.
Beauty of Strangers

Beauty of Strangers

This morning I waited for the bus as I do most every morning, it was 0645 and usually there is the normal amount of people who ride that route everyday.  not this morning though, as I stepped onto the bus there was no one on the bus but me. I made the joke to the driver of hey I get a private trip this morning.  It was that statement that had the bus driver start talking, he told me all about his family, about how the drives bus, about the current road closer causing there to be a detour, and he went on to tell me how they are treated as bus drivers, the disrespect they get when they don’t drive perfect, or when they are a couple minutes late, or come early, and the being taken for granted for. (I myself have grumbled if they have come early and I miss it)

As we got closer to my destination, we started to pick up some regular riders and our conversation came to an end. I sat there thinking about what we talked about, I felt a tug at my heart to be a witness and kindness to anyone and everyone, there are no jobs less worthy then another, there is no people less worthy then another, every unique person makes up our world and every profession lets this country run smoothly.

Thank you for this sweet bus driver to converse with me and remind me that everyone deserves kindness.


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