Everyday is filled with smiles, laughter, adventures, and opportunities. You just have to seek them out.
Peter Pan

Peter Pan

Peter Pan has always been a lifelong story I have loved, I have tried to mimic his ability to fly, never succeeding in launching into the air and staying, I have tried jumping off roofs, off swings, launching off bike jumps, jumping out of trees, never resulting in flying. Well I was surfing the other day and the waves were 6-7 feet high.  It was super fun though I did get beat up pretty good in the white wash, however I was still catching some waves. This one wave I caught, I caught it wrong and instead of riding the wave down, I was riding on top of the wave, that is not the way to surf, the wave built up speed and power as it went to shore, and it wasn’t long before it launched me into the air, I wasn’t successful in standing up on this was so I was holding onto the board for dear life wondering how this was going to end. As I was flying through the air it was fun, I felt free and could see all around me. Then the joy ended and I went crashing down.  I hit the water like cement but thankfully did not get hurt.  I fought the white wash and made it to shore, walking over to my friend who was watching me, said “I honestly was not sure how that scenario was going to play, you got what I would guess 10 ish feet in the air!” man I really need a Go Pro


While packing up and heading home, a beautiful fox graced me with his presence by running along side the vehicle for a few minutes. what a perfect way to end the day


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