Everyday is filled with smiles, laughter, adventures, and opportunities. You just have to seek them out.


The other day I was out working in the garden when I discovered this tomato, yes a tomato and it got me thinking about life and image. this tomato was ugly, not the right shape, full of wrinkles, way bigger then what is considered normal size.

There are many times in my life, where I am convinced I am inadequate, not good enough, not the right shape, feel judged for not being pretty enough, or looked down upon for not being smart enough. These feelings are caused by laughs, comments, jokes or judgement.

we are all guilty of it from time to time, if not outwardly then it’s inwardly of the heart. however it takes sometimes a simple item to set you back straight. for me that item was this tomato.

You know what i realized while looking of this crazy unique tomato………

It links back to mankind. No human is the same, everyone is beautiful in their own unique way, everyone has their own level of smarts and excel in what they are passionate about. There are people of all shapes, size, colour and builds.

Just as this tomato may seem weird ugly and the wrong shape. It may even get passed by or thrown out because it just isn’t right or normal compared to the other tomatoes, I have to remember that the center is still the amazing, yummy, and can be processed in many different ways. From canning to sauce to sandwiches and many more things.

If we judge someone from their outward appearance without getting to know their heart, seeing their kindness, and uniqueness of their soul, we miss out on an important piece of the puzzle that makes up society. It is not a single person but it is together that make up a beautiful world.


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