Everyday is filled with smiles, laughter, adventures, and opportunities. You just have to seek them out.

I went surfing this past week, I was out there and I was struggling, I just could not get on my board properly I could not catch a wave and I was getting frustrated and annoyed. No matter what I did I could not figure out why I was struggling so bad with the surfboard. As I was trying to catch the wave I was paddling like crazy and I missed it but the rogue wave was right behind and so it hit me on the back and there was cold water all down back and into my limbs.


I realized then that the back zipper of my wetsuit had come undone and water was filling up. Since I was in the water I didn’t realize how much my wetsuit was filling up, so I decided to catch another wave to the shore.


When I got to the shore I tried to stand up and in front of a whole bunch of surfers I took one step and I fell face first into the water. so I tried again and fell I just couldn’t get to shore and i was getting upset. I looked down and I realized that my wetsuit was about three times the size it should, it had that much water in it my legs look like the Michelin man and my abdomen looked crazy so if I looked in the mirror I would have most likely look like a hippo. In the legs of my suit about midway down the calf there is a elastic band and that is where the was was held. Each step felt like I have a kid sitting on my leg. I knelt down and emptied as much water as I could, the amount of water that drained out was what I would imagine a elephant spitting out his full trunk. Once I got enough water out of my suit where I could actually walk, I walked up to the shore and I sat there to regain my thoughts and composure, all the while gaining the ambition to go back out even though I was feeling silly and a little bit defeated.


As I was sitting there trying to figure out what I was going to do next, whether it was go home or try again.


My eyes wondered down the beach, I noticed a woman who was in her late 50s to 60s and she was walking arm in arm with an elderly woman, they were just strolling along the beach looking at the sand in the waves in the seashells, having a conversation and both of them were smiling. As I was watching them a beautiful picture was painted in my mind, I couldn’t help but smile along. They looked up, caught my eye and the younger woman directed the older woman which I later found out was the mother and daughter over to where I was sitting. The daughter asked me if I would be willing to take a photo of the two of them. I gave him a big smile of course said yes so I got up standing in this wet suit without my poncho on feeling a little bit self-conscious as wet suits do not hide any imperfections that one would have, however I stood there with confidence, took her phone proceeded to take pictures for them. As the daughter was looking through the photos as per my directions in case they wanted me to do more the mother put her hand on my shoulder and she said to me “aren’t you the most beautiful young girl and your smile is perfect, you are strong and healthy and absolutely beautiful.” I thanked her and her daughter took her arm again and they continued their walk I bid them farewell and wished them a pleasant rest of their walk on the beach.


Interactions like that don’t happen often, I know for a fact that I won’t ever see them again, however for this woman to look at me for who I am standing there dripping wet in an extremely skin tight wetsuit, my hair in a soaking wet curly Afro, in a state of upmost unflattering style. For her to look at me and think that I am beautiful, strong, healthy with an amazing smile, just warmed my heart beyond words, making me more confident in wearing my wetsuit, making me happy, and making me feel important.


As I watched them walk down the beach more smiling to myself and just being so grateful for that encounter, I got my board, zipped up my wet suit completely this time took my board and headed back into the water. The frustration was gone and even though the waves didn’t change their attempts to beat me up, nor their intense drive to fill my lungs with their salty water, or forgive me when I am too far forward on the board and nose dive into the water allowing the wave to tumble me. I enjoyed the rest of the time I was out there. I am so grateful for that woman, I don’t even know her name. but I won’t ever forget her.


Kind words are free, kind words are positive, kind words are pure, I doubt that this woman knew it but she absolutely made an impact on my heart and I am forever grateful.


  1. Beautiful Sarina. And so true! Being our true selves reveals beauty that cannot be manufactured by us – it is created by God and can see us through the most challenging and surreal times. Hold tight to this memory and the gratitude it brought out of you. – Sheryl


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